
"Miscellaneous  Skulls"
(real skulls-not reproductions)

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#0 Beaver-skulls-large-(out of stock at this time) $100.00 each
#0 Beaver-skulls-extra large-(out of stock at this time) $125.00 each
K-606 MAMMOTH TUSK #0 MAMOTH TUSK-#0-FOR SALE-REAL AUTHENTIC MAMMOTH TUSKS-unfinished-from 4' to 10'-special order-prices by request
-(out of stock at this time)
E-852 #E-852 Mt. Goat-horns on upper skull as cut European skull mount with full nose-male-9.9” x10.1” x 5.7” bases-6 year old billy-scores approximately 49.5 points $775.00
D-056- #D-056 Mt. Goat-horns on upper skull as cut European skull mount with full nose-male-9.9” x 10.2” x 5.7” bases -9 year old billy-extra large boone and crockett male-exceptionally heavy-scores approximately 50 points $975.00
E-841- E-841-B E-841-d E-841-e #E-841 Mountain Goat-complete skull-extra large boone and crockett male-10.6” x 10.6” x 5.7” bases-(if requested it will be supplied with lower jaw which is partially bleached and has loose front teeth that are not glued in yet)-11 year old billy-both horn tips repaired (totally invisible)-this is a Boone and Crockett record book class set of horns-exceptionally heavy-scores approximately 51 points $1275.00
E-850 #E-850 Mt.Goat-horns on upper skull as cut European skull mount with full nose-male-10.5” x10.7” x 5.7” bases-both horn tips very slightly chipped-7 year old billy-extra large boone and crockett male-scores approximately 52 points-outstanding goat $1675.00
E-851 #E-851 Mt.Goat-horns on upper skull as cut European skull mount with full nose-male-10.7” x10.7” x 5.7” bases-13 year old billy-extra large Boone and Crockett male-very wide-scores approximately 52 points-pretty hard to find one bigger or nicer than this set of exceptional horns $1975.00
#F-244  Moose-skull-extra large-real cleaned and bleached upper skull-off huge boone and crockett record book set of antlers from a northern bull-european full upper skull-antlers have been cut off right below burr-you can easily pin and epoxy new antlers onto this skull $275.00
MUSK OX SKULLS #0 Musk Ox-skulls-large bulls-complete with horns and lower jaw-boiled and cleaned but not bleached-(if you want skull bleached with hydrogen peroxide add $250.00 to price)-(out of stock at this time) $1275.00 each
#BS-B-513 Bighorn Sheep-horns on upper skull-(no bottom jaw)-cleaned and bleached-32” x 33” x 13.25” bases-6 year old ram-one horn tip comes up to the center of the eye socket and the other horn comes up to the bottom of the eye socket-scores approximately 145 $1675.00
#K-939  Bighorn Sheep-horns on upper skull-(no bottom jaw)-cleaned and bleached-32.75” x 32.75” x 14” bases-5 year old ram-both horn tips come 2” over the nose bridge-scores approximately 146 $2175.00
#G-010 Stone/Dall Sheep-horns-(no bottom jaw)-35” x 35” x 12.5” bases-22.4” wide tip to tip spread-one horn tip comes about 4.25” over nose bridge and one horn tip comes about 3.5” over nose bridge-9 year old ram-scores approximately 142-horns are on uncleaned upper skull (back of skull is cut)-no inside nasal bones-add $250.00 if you want skull boiled and cleaned and bleached  $1275.00
  Ungulate skulls-complete skull cut through eye sockets with top half of upper skull with horns removed - only one dall / stone sheep left.

$50.00 each
    TO VIEW SOME OTHER SKULLS AS HORN / ANTLER  MOUNTS ---- SEE PAGE - "antler & horn mounts"  

If you are a skull collector, you will know that these antlered or horned animal skulls are very hard to find. We have a good selection of some of these rare skulls, for sale. We occasionally have mountain sheep skulls of all three north American species. We carry bighorn sheep skulls and we also carry dall sheep skulls and stone sheep skulls which are actually identical and are both classed as thinhorn sheep. We also have some musk ox skulls and mountain goat skulls. We also have some moose skulls, whitetail deer and mule deer skulls. If it is a predator skull that you are looking for, check out these pages: PREDATOR SKULLS or  GRIZZLY BEAR SKULLS. All these assorted, cleaned and bleached skulls make very unique gift ideas.

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