#D-134 |
Pronghorn Antelope-horns-12 x 13.5 long |
$100.00 |
#B-216-A |
Pronghorn Antelope-horns-13.2 x 13.3 long |
$125.00 |
#B-216-B |
Pronghorn Antelope-horns-12 x 12.5 long |
$175.00 |
#F-255 |
Bison-horns-(no skull)-18 long x 13 bases-off 12 year old bull |
$175.00 |
#1 |
Bison-reproduction replica horns-(no skull)22.75 x 24.25 long x
16 bases-this is a replica of the #1 in the world bison horns |
$175.00 |
#C-846 |
Caribou-antlers-fairly heavy 36 main beams-19 points-26
wide-antlers in velvet |
$75.00 |
(out of stock at this time) |
#S-202 |
Mule Deer-antlers-6x6-24.75 wide-gross non typical score
approximately 184-split skull plate-very pretty set of antlers-in velvet
(some velvet has peeled off surface on side and back of antlers) |
$75.00 |
#G-471 |
Mule Deer-antlers on panel-5x6 points-approximately 21.5
wide-very heavy |
$175.00 |
#F-635 |
Mule Deer-antlers-5x6-typical 4 point with one short extra point-26
wide-gross score approximately 162-very pretty and exceptionally heavy
set of antlers |
$175.00 |
#G-353 |
Mule Deer-antlers-6x8 points-28.5 wide-gross non typical score
approximately 200-net non typical score approximately 196-net typical
score approximately 187-very pretty and unique and heavy set of
antlers-(now on an old headmount but would be removed for shipping so
you would only get antlers, or you can have the entire headmount for the
same price as the antlers are where the value is, but shipping would
cost much more for the entire headmount than just the antlers) |
$1275.00 |
#F-731 |
Whitetail Deer-antlers-4x4 points-17.5 wide-gross score approximately
123 |
$75.00 |
#S-503 |
Whitetail Deer-antlers-7x7 points-17 wide-gross non typical score
approximately 135-has double brow points-(2 points on each side are not scoreable)-exceptionally
heavy and massive set of antlers |
$150.00 |
(out of stock at this time) |
#E-569-A |
Moose-antlers on panel with natural scalp-9x10-19 points-46
wide-9.6wide palms-gross score approximately 164 |
$575.00 |
#G-430 |
Moose-antlers on panel-with buckskin leather covering on skull cap-greatest spread
42.75 wide-15x15 points-total of 26 points(not all scoreable points)-12 and 13.25 wide
palms-exceptional pretty brow palms with 4x6 points on brows-very beautiful pretty set of antlers-scores approximately 165 |
$675.00 |
#G-463 |
Moose-antlers-greatest spread 43 wide-10x13 points-total of 23
points(not all scoreable points)-12 wide palms-2x3 points on brows-very
pretty set of antlers-recolored-scores approximately 180 gross |
$675.00 |
#F-539 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-8.5 x 8.5 x 4.25 bases-8 year old nanny |
$75.00 |
#D-066 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-8.5 x 8.6 x 4 bases-11 year old nanny |
$75.00 |
#B-226 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-8.7 x 8.8 x 3.9 bases-8 year old nanny |
$75.00 |
#C-037 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-8.7 x 8.7 x 4.2 bases-5 year old nanny |
$75.00 |
#B-227 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-8.7 x 8.8 x 4.2 bases-6 year old nanny |
$75.00 |
#D-086 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-8.7 x 8.8 x 4.2 bases-5 year old nanny |
$75.00 |
#B-230 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-8.8 x 8.8 x 4.2 bases-6 year old nanny |
$75.00 |
#B-228 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-8.8 x 8.9 x 4 bases-7 year old nanny |
$75.00 |
#D-064 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-9 x 9 x 4.2 bases-5 year old nanny |
$100.00 |
#E-365 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-8.9 x 9 x 3.9 bases-8 year old nanny |
$100.00 |
#D-059 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-9 x 9.2 x 4 bases-5 year old nanny-one horn tip
is repaired (totally invisible) |
$75.00 |
#S-150 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-9.2 x 9.2 x 4.2 bases-5 year old nanny |
$100.00 |
#D-065 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-9.2 x 9.3 x 4.2 bases-9 year old nanny-pretty |
$125.00 |
#D-063 |
Mt. Goat-horns-female-9.4 x 9.4 x 4.3 bases-9 year old nanny-nicely
rounded tips |
$125.00 |
#E-599 |
Mt. Goat-horns on panel-with natural scalp- male-8.9 x 9 x 5.25
bases-3 year old male |
$250.00 |
#D-087 |
Mt. Goat-horns-male-8.9 x 9.0 x 5.7 bases-very heavy-nice
billy-7 year old billy |
$250.00 |
#E-604 |
Mt. Goat-horns-male-9.25 x 9.3 x 5.1 bases-9 year old billy-scores 46
points |
$275.00 |
#F-538 |
Mt. Goat-horns-male-9.25 x 9.25 x 5.3 bases-6 year old billy-scores
47 points |
$275.00 |
#E-849 |
Mt. Goat-horns-male-9.3 x 9.6 x 5.3 bases-7 year old billy |
$350.00 |
#B-500 |
Mt. Goat-horns-male-9.4 x 9.6 x 5.3 bases-6 year old billy |
$350.00 |
#E-852 |
Mt. Goat-horns on upper skull as cut European skull mount with
full nose-male-9.9 x10.1 x 5.7 bases-6 year old billy-scores
approximately 49.5 points |
$775.00 |
#D-056 |
Mt. Goat-horns on upper skull as cut European skull mount with full nose-extra large boone and crockett male-9.9 x 10.2 x
5.7 bases -9 year old billy-exceptionally heavy-scores approximately 50
$975.00 |
#E-841 |
Mountain Goat-complete skull-extra large boone and crockett male-10.6 x 10.6
x 5.7 bases-(if requested it will be supplied with lower jaw which is
partially bleached and has loose front teeth that are not glued in yet)-11 year old billy-both horn tips repaired (totally
invisible)-this is a Boone and Crockett record book class set of horns-exceptionally heavy-scores approximately 51 points |
$1275.00 |
#E-850 |
Mt. Goat-horns on upper skull as cut European skull mount with
full nose-male-extra large boone and crockett male-10.5 x10.7 x 5.7
bases-both horn tips very slightly chipped-7 year old billy-scores
approximately 52 points-outstanding goat
$1675.00 |
#E-851 |
Mt. Goat-horns on upper skull as cut European skull mount with
full nose-male-extra large boone and crockett male-10.7 x10.7 x 5.7
bases-13 year old billy-very wide-scores approximately 52 points-chances
are that you will never ever find a European skull mount, bigger or nicer |
$1975.00 |
#0 |
Musk Ox-skulls-large bulls-complete with
horns and lower jaw-boiled and cleaned but not bleached-(if
you want skull bleached with hydrogen peroxide add $250.00 to price)-(out of stock at this time) |
$1275.00 each |
#BS-B-513 |
Bighorn Sheep-horns on upper skull-(no bottom jaw)-cleaned
and bleached-32 x 33 x 13.25 bases-6 year old ram-one horn tip comes
up to the center of the eye socket and the other horn comes up to the
bottom of the eye socket-scores approximately 145 |
$1675.00 |
#K-939 |
Bighorn Sheep-horns on upper skull-(no bottom jaw)-cleaned and
bleached-32.75 x 32.75 x 14 bases-5 year old ram-both horn tips come
2 over the nose bridge-scores approximately 146 |
$2175.00 |
Dall Sheep and Stone Sheep horns are interchangeable-they interbreed and
their horns are the same-dall sheep horns tend to be a bit lighter in
color than stone sheep horns but some dalls that spend more time in
timber are darker and some stones that spend more time in alpine are
lighter so it really makes no difference |
#F-860 |
Stone/Dall Sheep-horns-28.5 x 35.25 x 12.5 bases-25.5
wide-left horn tip comes over nose bridge-right horn tip is heavily
broomed well below eye-11 year old ram-scores approximately 141 |
$375.00 |
#G-015 |
Stone/Dall Sheep-horns-34 x 35 x 12.5 bases-23.75 wide tip to
tip spread-both horn tips come about 2 over nose bridge-8 year old
ram-scores approximately 146 |
$1175.00 |
#G-010 |
Stone/Dall Sheep-horns on upper skull-(no bottom jaw)-35 x 35 x 12.5 bases-22.4 wide tip to
tip spread-one horn tip comes about 4.25 over nose bridge and one horn
tip comes about 3.5 over nose bridge-9 year old ram-scores
approximately 142-horns are on uncleaned upper skull (back of skull is
cut)-no inside nasal bones-add $250.00 if you want skull boiled and
cleaned and bleached |
$1275.00 |
#F-862 |
Stone/Dall Sheep-horns-34.4 x 34.75"x 13.5 bases-horn tips come
almost to nose bridge-24.75 wide tip to tip-8 year old ram-scores
approximately 153 |
$1375.00 |
We always have a good selection of north american
wildlife, anters and horns in stock......mule deer antlers, whitetail deer
antlers, blacktail deer antlers, moose antlers, elk antlers, caribou antlers,
musk ox horns, mountain goat horns, mountain sheep horns, dall sheep horns,
stone sheep horns, bighorn sheep horns, etc. in stock.........if we do not have
what you are looking for, let us know your needs and maybe we can help you.