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( Note that sizes of these brown bear rugs is listed as measurements from nose to tip of tail measured over the curve of the head. )



(Brown) Black Bear - Full Head Rug



(Blonde) Black Bear - Full Head Rug

We always have a selection of newly made brown bear rugs available for sale. These brown bear rugs are actually brown colored black bears. They are called black bears and their Latin name is "ursus americanus" but they can be any color. These bears vary in color from blonde to rusty cinnamon to reddish brown to chocolate brown to almost blackish brown and of course black, and every color in between. All our brown bear rugs are real fur, full head rugs, mounted with an open mouth. All our brown bear rugs have their real authentic claws. Our rugs always have a double layer of heavy pleated felt borders and a heavy denim backing. Our taxidermy workmanship is of the highest standard. Nothing can enhance your decor like the addition of a beautiful brown colored black bear rug. Check out this page to view the black color phases, of black bear rugs, "Black Bear Rugs". We also have some other wildlife fur rugs available for sale. A real brown bear rug will make a great, unique gift.

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Wildlife Taxidermy has Real Brown Bear Rugs For Sale Taxidermy Brown Bear Rug Bear Rugs Bear Rug Real Bear Skin Rugs Real Fur Rugs Real Bear Skin Rug Taxidermy Bear Rugs